Friday, November 16, 2018

What Illnesses can be treated with Homeopathy?

Almost all illnesses are responsive to homeopathic action. But Homeopathy is best known for its capability to handle chronic illnesses. The reason for this is that Homeopathy is the only method of treatment which deals curative treatment (not alleviative) in many chronic diseases which have been confirmed 'incurable' by other schools of medicine. Be it skin disease, chronic gastric and intestinal illnesses,chronic fatigue syndrome, migraine, asthma, allergic disorders, menstrual complaints, other hormonal disorders, arthritis, psychological disorders etc. All these and many more chronic ailments have been affected curatively by Homeopathy. The only major limiting factors are -

1. Gross structural and pathological changes.

2. Very low vitality of the patient.

3. Unavoidable presence of certain causative or maintaining factors.

Then Homeopathy is also known to make surgery unnecessary on many occasions. Many a tonsils, adenoids, appendices etc. have been saved with Homeopathy. Benign tumors and renal stones also respond well to homeopathic treatment.

Even in cases where curative treatment is not possible, like advanced cases of arthritis, malignancies etc. management and palliation with homeopathic medicines is very effective and improves the quality of life of such patients without making them suffer with the side-effects of the modern wonder-drugs ( ! ).

Homeopathy is also very effective in the treatment of acute ailments. And the action of a rightly selected homeopathic medicine is usually faster than any other medicines. Not only this, under proper homeopathic treatment the tendency to frequent recurrence of acutes and their tendency to become chronic is aborted. One last thing! In Homeopathy, it is said that Homeopathy never fails, it's the Homeopath that fails. And although Homeopathy has it's limitations, most 'curable' cases that do not respond to Homeopathy are due to improper selection of medicine or potency and case management. So if you do not get benefit from Homeopathy at first, don't dump Homeopathy - dump the Homeopath!


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